Hannah Wooll explores the domestic space, interior life, and the women who might inhabit these spaces. Her most recent practice relies on junk-shop sourced found media; starkly-lit, contrived photographs lifted from the pages of outmoded craft manuals set against incongruous ink painted figures. These glossy images provide a slippery surface for the ink to skid and drip and create surprises and pockets of inky, painted, fallibility. As well as working directly onto these pages, Wooll incorporates elements of these eclectic images into her paintings on wooden panels, metallic card, reworked canvases and book covers. The dreamlike and static qualities of the work are due to Hannah taking advantage of the duplicity of unnatural lighting, allowing a two-dimensional feel, lending a lack of naturalism. We swiftly become caught up in these quietly absurd moments, the image paused; melodramatic fragments of still and uneasy tension.