Thresholds is an exhibition which takes as its subject the area just to the north of Manchester’s city centre, along the Irk valley towards Collyhurst. This is a part of the city which is now seeing massive new building and redevelopment, and at an extremely rapid pace. But interspersed amongst the new, the gleaming, the smooth and neat, are fragments of the old, the neglected, the eroded: thresholds to another kind of space and time, the historic soul of the city interwoven with the new, the disused, the overlooked, the transitional.

The six artists featured in this exhibition have also each been inspired by a series of monthly walks through the area over the last year, and have responded to it each in their own particular way and through a diverse range of media. These include drawing, painting, photography, film, music, video, 3D work and textiles, which come together in a unique dialogue with this area, a hugely significant part of which is Angel Meadow. This mass pauper burial site, of such huge significance to the history of the city, also features as a major part of the exhibition, potently symbolizing as it does a threshold between the past and the present, the living and the dead.

Thresholds will utilise diverse juxtapositions of artworks as a kind of parallel to walking through this area of Manchester: an assemblage of unexpected elements joined together by moving through the exhibition space, which it is hoped will make for an exciting and unexpected experience.


Exhibition Opening and Preview – Saturday 8th March 12 – 4pm

Continues Fridays and Saturdays 12 – 4pm or by appointment until March 29th

For more information, questions about the work and for viewing by appointment, please contact Phil Porter at

Artists exhibiting:

Lucy Evans

Neil Greenhalgh

Marguerite Heywood

Not Quite Light

Phil Porter

Wanda Roslyn

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